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Men and Women of Epirus: A valuable model of community life and action for the rest of the Greeks and other peoples of the world

Author(s): Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos, Alice

It is already known that the contribution of men and women from Epirus both at public and national, and private levels, is very important and significant. Studying the particular characteristics of people from Epirus suggests that this is a remarkable phenomenon, that needs to be studied in depth.

We believe that the book at hand will point out the people of Epirus’ great contribution, in terms of quantity and quality, to society. Men and women of Epirus have been an example of unselfish patriotism, also bearing rare capabilities to an admirable degree. The lack of ostentatiousness is a characteristic example of their contribution in Greek culture, and during the difficult circumstances that the nation has faced, and this is proved by their preference of preserving their anonymity. Thus, most of their works have gone down in history as the works of wonderful but unknown creators.

Publication Details

  • Date of publication:
  • Publisher:
    Athens: Andy’s Publishers, 2017, 71 p. (in Greek)
  • ISBN: