Author(s): Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos, Alice
This book presents the contributions at the Anniversary Conference for the thirty years of activity of the Hellenic Society of Criminology (1978-2009).
After the introductory report on the establishment and the basic principles and directions of the Hellenic Society of Criminology (A. Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos), issues regarding the international context of Criminology in 1978 and 2008 (G. Kellens), contemporary crime and its phenomenology (K. Spinelli), psychology against the phenomenon of violence (F. Tsalikoglou), forms of school violence and the possibilities of dealing with it (N. Kourakis), dealing with terrorism (E. Symeonidou-Kastanidou), retributive and restorative justice (Ch. Zarafonitou), the anti-crime policy and the criminalisation of the social space (Th. Papatheodorou) and crime in cyberspace (I. Farsedakis) were discussed.
Furthermore, there were contributions on the “theory of deterrence” (M. Kranidiotis), the good practices for the prevention of juvenile delinquency (A. Pitselas), the standards of criminal repression (T. Tzannetakis), the anti-crime policy of the Council of Europe (A. Tsitsouras), the treatment of crime by the judiciary (S. Bayas, Chr. Argyropoulos), the penitentiary institutions (N. Koulouris, P. Damianos) and, finally, the role and problems of the Greek Police (G. Papanikolaou , S. Vidali, Ad. Stamatakis).
The conclusions of the Conference were drawn by A. Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos in her contribution on the topic “Different criminological schools and opinions, complementary or conflicting – A key feature of the latest development is the internationalisation of crime and its treatment – Need to harmonize the anti-crime policy with the internationally recognised human rights system”. This book is accompanied by the activity of the Hellenic Society of Criminology from 1978 to 2008, edited by Hero Daskalaki, as well as the biography of the President of the Hellenic Society of Criminology Alice Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos, edited by Iakovos Farsedakis.