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16 Sep 2024

Proclamation of Mrs. Elli Yotopoulos-Sicilianos as Honorary President of MFHR and New Composition of the MFHR Board of Directors


Press Releases,

With the completion of six years since Mrs. Elli Yiotopoulou-Sicilianou assumed the presidency of the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR), and the particularly remarkable activity that the MFHR has developed during her term of office, Mrs. Elli Yiotopoulou-Sicilianou has decided to leave the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors of our Foundation, wishing to express its gratitude and thanks for her significant contribution to the activities and objectives of the Foundation, unanimously decided to proclaim her Honorary President.

As a result, the new composition of the Board of Directors of our Foundation is as follows: President: Linos-Alexander Sicilianos, Vice President and Treasurer: Sotirios Mousouris, Secretary General: Petros Damianos, Members: Christoforos Argyropoulos, Maria-Andriani Kostopoulou