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Participatory status

The MFHR has a significant and long-standing international presence, which is reflected in its consultative status with major international organisations.



The MFHR has a significant and long-standing international presence, which is reflected in its consultative status with major international organisations.

ore specifically:

  1. United Nations:

(a) special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and, of course, with the bodies under its auspices such as the Human Rights Council, in Geneva.

(b) “special relationship” with the United Nations Department of Public Information in New York, since 1998.

2. UNESCO: official relations

3. Council of Europe: MFHR has obtained the status of an International NGO with participatory status (INGO) and is a member of the Conference of INGOs. In this context, it has been granted the right to submit collective complaints before the European Committee of Social Rights, the monitoring body of the European Social Charter. The MFHR has successfully exercised such a right (see Complaint No. 30/2005, Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR) v. Greece).

4. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA): MFHR is a member of the Fundamental Rights Platform, FRA’s channel for cooperation and information exchange with civil society organisations working on fundamental rights in the EU.

The MFHR at the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR)

The National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) is the independent advisory body of the Greek State and the national institution for the protection of human rights. The MFHR is a founding member of the NCHR. The first MFHR President, Alice Yiotopoulou Maragopoulou, also served as the first President of the NCHR (June 2000-October 2006) and Linos-Alexander Sicilianos, who represented MFHR at the time, held the position of Vice President of the NCHR from November 2006 to 2011, when he resigned after being elected Judge at the European Court of Human Rights. Georgios Stavropoulos also represented the MFHR and served as President of the Commission from 2015 to 2018. Today, the MFHR is represented at the NCHR by Sotiris Mousouris (full member) and Maria-Andriani Kostopoulou (alternate member).