The Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR) and the University of Strasbourg, organise an international scientific conference on: “The European constitutional heritage between progress and regression/Le patrimoine constitutionnel européen entre progression et régression” -both in physical presence and in distance- that will take place on 4-5 May 2023, in Strasbourg.
Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Christos Giannopoulos, Lecturer at the University of Strasbourg
The Scientific Committee of the conference is comprised by:
Linos–Alexander Sicilianos, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, f. President of the European Court of Human Rights, Vice President of the MFHR
Peggy Ducoulombier, Professor at the University of Strasbourg
Catherine Haguenau–Moizard, Professor at the University of Strasbourg
The purpose of this conference is twofold: it aims at studying the various national experiences in order to explore the existence of common principles of political organisation and functioning, integrated in the European constitutional heritage, and at raising relevant questions on the future perspective of a Europe suffering consecutive socio-political crises.
The Conference will focus on the following topics:
Ι. The elements of European constitutional heritage.
ΙΙ. “Deconstructing” the European constitutional heritage
ΙΙΙ. “Reconstructing” the European constitutional heritage
See the Program of the Conference:
In order to attend the Conference, you shall register using the following link:
04 May 2023,
Linos-Alexander SICILIANOS, Evaggelos VENIZELOS, Spyros VLACHOPOULOS, Christos GIANNOPOULOS, Jeanne-Marie TUFFERY-ANDRIEU, Julien JEANNENEY, Dominique ROUSSEAU, Kaarlo TUORI, Carlos-Miguel HERRERA, Claire BASY-MALAURIE, Ivan BOEV, Josep Maria CASTELLA ANDREU, J RONDU, Sebastien PLATON, Ioannis KTISTAKIS, Thomas HOCHMANN, Marie-Elisabeth BAUDOIN, Mattias GUYOMAR, Constance GREWE, Helene RUIZ FABRI, Maria PADILLA, Peggy Ducoulombier, Emmanuel Decaux, Helene Tigroudja, Laurence BURGORGUE-LARSEN, Florence BENOIT-ROHMER, Marthe FATIN-ROUGE STEFANINI, Laurence MOREL, Aude BOUVERESSE, Rym FASSI-FIHRI, Symeon KARAGIANNIS