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03 Jul 2023

Closing ceremony of the academic year of the school of the Special Detention Centre for Juveniles of Avlona

16th MFHR Award Ceremony, the Deputy Director of the MFHR Mrs. Maria-Andriani Kostopoulou conferred the Awards to those pupils and students, who stood out for their behavior, the regular attendance in classes and their performance during the current academic year.


Press Releases,

It is a pleasure to announce that, on 29 June 2023, the closing ceremony of the academic year for the Elementary School, Secondary School and High School, and the Institute of Vocational Training of the Special Detention Center for Juveniles of Avlona took place.

During the said ceremony, our Foundation conferred for the 16th consecutive year awards to pupils and students who stood out for their behavior, the regular attendance and their performance. The awards were established by Alice Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos, then President of the MFHR, and they are being conferred every year, in memoriam of her son Nick. The awards were delivered by the Deputy Director of the MFHR Mrs. Maria-Andriani Kostopoulou.

We congratulate all pupils for their efforts and we thank the Directorship, especially Mr. Petros Damianos, the teachers, the caregivers and volunteers for their dedication in their work.

In a period when human rights protection confronts serious challenges, stigmatised by war, migration and sanitary crises, retrogression with regard to long asserted human rights, it is indeed a sign of optimism to celebrate each action in favor of pupils’ and students’ fight in acquiring knowledge and fulfilling their right to education.

The MFHR congratulates and stands by all pupils and students.