Announcement of the 2023 University Student Awards Competition

Announcement of the 2023 University Student Awards Competition
The Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR) announces a competition for three awards to under-graduate and post-graduate students of Greek and/or Cypriot Universities for the best original unpublished essay in one of the following topics:
1st “Tackling sexual abuse of children in Greece: recent developments»
2nd “Human rights issues in Greece in the light of the recent ECtHR jurisprudence”
3rd “Serious human rights violations at an international level, 2021-2022”.
The awards consist in three scholarships (travel expenses and fees) for attending Module 1 “International Human Rights Law” of the 52nd Summer School on Human Rights, that will take place from 26.06.2023 to 07.07.2023, in Strasbourg, and is organised by the International Institute for Human Rights René Cassin.
The award-winning participants undertake the obligation to attend all classes and to submit to the MFHR a report on the organisation, the content and their impression on the Summer School until 31.07.2023.
Each essay shall follow the following guidelines:
a) Word count: 7.000-12.000 words (including footnotes, but excluding: bibliography, table of contents, index or annexes).
b) Minimum content: table of contents, main body of the essay, footnotes, bibliography.
c) Formatting: Main body: Font Times New Roman 12 and Line Spacing 1,5. Footnotes: Font Times New Roman 10 and Line Spacing 1,0.
d) Type of document: word ή pdf (not other type of document)
e) The candidates should write their complete personal and contact information (name and last name, e-mail and phone number).
f) An updated cv of the candidate shall be attached.
The essays shall be sent online at the and in printed version at the headquarters of the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights, Lycavittou 1C, Athens 106 72 until Monday 18 May 2023.
For more information you can contact us in: 210-36 37 455 and 210-36 13 527, from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm.
The conferment of the awards will take place in June 2023 in the MFHR’s Library.
The Vice President of the MFHR
Professor Linos-Alexander Sicilianos